Welcome to Calabash Conversations!

About the Podcast

Welcome sisters of the diaspora, to Calabash Conversations. Our sacred space where you are nurtured and supported through your journey of self-discovery.

In ancient traditions, the calabash is the place where magic happens. It is representative of the womb and womanhood. Everything in it is part of a sacred whole. Different objects can be placed in the calabash to create something new.

Adassa your host brings her medicines of:

  • herbs,
  • transformational life-coaching,
  • womb wellness consultant,
  • postpartum doula,
  • reiki practitioner,
  • plant spirit medicine, and more to the calabash.

Bring your open mind and a cup of tea and join us as we journey through life, living, and how to truly do this from a conscious space.

You are going to love it!
Your thoughts and suggestions for topics to discuss are welcome. 


Available on the major podcasting platforms.